Across the province, our Nature Network groups are protecting wild species and wild spaces in their local areas. Ontario Nature helps connect these groups to each other and to provincial issues through various means, including the Nature Network News.
This free monthly newsletter features stories from groups about what they are doing as well as provides helpful links and opportunities. We encourage members of Nature Network groups, and anyone interested in nature in Ontario, to subscribe and stay in touch with what’s happening in nature conservation across the province.

Our Nature Network, a dedicated network of more than 155 local conservation groups, faces many common issues and shares many values, but each group and the places they care about are unique. They protect and steward land, fight to keep places natural, do community science, and educate people – of all ages – about the wonders of nature. Many are naturalist groups, or “friends of” specific parks or waterbodies, but the network also includes environmental advocacy groups, land trusts and conservancies, stewardship councils, outdoors clubs, provincial partner organizations and more.
The groups help us bring local issues across Ontario to the attention of the province. The Nature Network is Ontario Nature’s eyes and ears on the ground. Together, we are a powerful collective voice for conservation. Many of our conservation initiatives would not be possible without the help of the Nature Network member groups.
For example, August’s edition highlights the work that two groups in Sudbury and Ottawa are doing to remove invasive species, protecting and enhancing the places they love, to the benefit of all.
The July edition included a story about groups working on protecting some of the world’s best water located in the Simcoe area from impacts of gravel mining.
There is no end to examples of great Nature Network group initiatives and the Nature Network News shares these stories across the province, helping nature enthusiasts learn, share, grow and strengthen.

Ontario Nature publishes the Nature Network News on the 15th of every month with contributions from our member groups and staff. The free newsletter provides conservation updates about the Nature Network member groups and Ontario Nature including events, successes, campaigns and other pertinent environmental news. It’s a great way to stay connected with the nature education and protection movement in Ontario. Subscribe today to get the September edition in your inbox!
Every edition of our quarterly ON Nature magazine also has a “member groups” section that tells stories about the Nature Network.
See our events calendar for any public Nature Network events coming soon.
A Nature Experience for All, ON Nature Winter 2020, Our Member Groups
Dream Teams, ON Nature Spring 2013, Feature article
ON Nature article about the Nature Network