Song Review: Snow Man – Love Trigger

Every once and awhile, a favorite act releases a song that simply lands with a thud. For me, Love Trigger is that song for Snow Man.

I’m a big Snow Man fan. They often appear near the top of my year-end J-pop lists and I find the group endlessly entertaining. Their musical output has been mixed, but is usually buoyed by their bright personalities and strong melodic hooks.

Nothing about Love Trigger is objectively bad, but I can’t find a single element that interests me. It feels as if their agency has taken a boilerplate K-pop template and transposed it onto Snow Man. The problem is, the melodies are dull and unmemorable and the song spins its wheels far too often. It slows to a crawl far more than a dance track should, delivering stuttering verses that go nowhere. When the beat does come in, it hits like raindrops rather than a thunderstorm. Snow Man perform Love Trigger well, but it’s too generic to wring any true personality from.

Oh, well. This is only one half of a double A-side single, giving them another chance to find material with a stronger viewpoint.






Grade: C

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