Song Review: Trendz – Go Up

After 2022’s Vagabond, I found myself paying more attention to Trendz. Their agency smartly paired with producer LEEZ, who painted the group’s music with many sounds I loved in ATEEZ’s early discography. But though their songs were all very solid, none grabbed me with enough force to make Trendz an act I returned to often. However, the moment I heard the iconic “Brave Sound” producer tag ten seconds into Go Up, I may have let out a little squeal.

Brave Brothers isn’t quite as consistent as some of my other favorite producers, but when he drops pretense and delivers a straightforward club banger, he’s kind of unstoppable. Go Up is basically Brave Girls’ excellent 2021 Chi Mat Ba Ram reconfigured for a 2024 boy group, but you won’t hear me complaining about that. I foolishly rated Chi Mat Ba Ram in the mid-8’s when it was first released (what was I thinking?!?) and I won’t be making that mistake again. Go Up is right there with the other “9’s” released this week — probably even higher.

Much of this is due to bias. Go Up follows a tried and true template, but this exact style of song flows through my veins. I could listen to a thousand iterations without getting tired. I love the chugging synth beat, rugged guitar and consistent focus on powerful vocal melodies. I love how the song never slows — especially during its all-important second verse. I even love the silly post chorus choreography, which is clearly inspired by the fun spirit of Brave Girls’ iconic Rollin’ moves. There are moments that could do with even more oomph (the climactic power note), but multiple listens are bound to smooth over these quibbles. Overall, Go Up is as sturdy and enjoyable as you can get.






Grade: A

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