Blast Worship: Greia

Where they from?
Slovenia. Ah, playoff football, remember that shit? My team hasn’t been to the playoffs in 13 years. Obama was president the last time my team played a postseason game. 2010! FOR FUCK’S SAKE.

Why the hype?
Stop me if you’ve heard this one before but this band plays…fast. But not only that, they do some goofy death metal shit like the fart/snore vocals and slam around that would make Guttalax proud. Basically if you are a fan of Jig-Ai or any of the other more pornographic bands that tend to grace the Obscene Extreme stage at around 3am, then Greia is for you!

Latest Release?
Human Supremacy, self-released. It’s kind of hard to tell what the band is mad about here. They have a song called “Liberals” but is that criticizing them from the left or the right? I would venture to say the left, as fart vocals have traditionally been a tool of the working oppressed classes. I know this because I read the Karl Marx Wikipedia entry once on mushrooms.

Human Supremacy by Greia

The post Blast Worship: Greia appeared first on Decibel Magazine.

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