The new simulacrum Yanuo will join the ranks of Level Infinite and Hotta Studios’ Tower of Fantasy on February 20.
Dubbed the “Perfectionist of District 9,” Yanuo has built up a reputation for her expert infiltration and camouflage. Despite being well-tempered, warm-hearted, and efficient, she describes herself as nothing more than ordinary to others.
However, she serves as an undercover agent of the Heirs of Aida planted in Hykros. Yanuo was able to successfully make a friend of Brevey to gain access to confidential information about the titular Tower of Fantasy.
Learn more with the trailer below:
Yanuo x Wicked | New Simulacrum Trailer | Tower of Fantasy
New to Tower of Fantasy? A cross-platform, shared open-world MMORPG, this title has players controlling a Wanderer as they take on mutant creatures and hostile forces. Tower of Fantasy pays host to an open world, co-op group and solo adventures, flexible character development, unique simulacrums, and regined combat.
For those looking to join the conversation around Tower of Fantasy, be sure to join the official Discord channel for the game.
The post Simulacrum Yanuo Coming to Tower of Fantasy February 20 appeared first on GamersHeroes.