Where To Find All New Rift Relics & How To Turn Them Gold In COD MW Zombies

The latest Modern Warfare Zombies update introduces 4 new relics to find and puzzles to solve to open the new rift. In this guide we’ll tell you where to find each of the new relics (MMA Gloves, Pristine Mirror, Perforated Target, and Drum) and how you can turn them gold so you can use them to open the new rift.

Where To Find All The New Relics

All of the new relics can be found in the new story mission called Countermeasures. It’s part of Act IV but you don’t need to have completed all previous Acts to do the mission. You can find the travel location to the mission in the Northern edge of the Tier 3 red zone. Simply head to the location and travel through the portal.

Finding The MMA Gloves

The MMA Gloves can be found on the large boat, immediately next to where you start at the beginning of the mission. There’s an Obelisk on the boats deck. Simply interact with it to start the challenge. Once it begins, you will need to kill zombies with melee to charge the Obelisk. There is an Instant Kill buff that spawns at the relic every 30-45 seconds. Pick that up, instantly kill the zombies with melee, and once the Obelisk has enough charge, it will release the MMA Gloves.

Finding The Pristine Mirror

The is probably the hardest of the new relics to find. It can be found at an Obelisk in I8, out in the misty area. When you activate the Obelisk it will begin one of the elements, Fire, Ice, Lightning or Brainrot. For us, it was always Fire first, then Ice, then Deadwire and finally Brain Rot.

The clues can be found on the outer circle itself and there are 4 ammo types that spawn on the Obelisk. Pick up the ammo type matching the outer circle. For example, if it’s burning, pick up Napalm ammo. When it turns frosty, use the Cryo ammo, when there are lightning bolts around the circle, use the Dead Shot, then finally the Brainrot ammo.

Finding The Perforated Target

You can find this Obelisk in E3, at a crossroads. As before, approach to activate. For this one, you need to wait for enemy zombies to enter the circle area around the Obelisk and then kill them with headshots. Once enough zombies have been killed to charge the Obelisk, it will drop the Perforated Target.

Finding The Drum

The drum is probably the easiest of the new items to obtain and it’s already gold. Simply complete the new Countermeasures mission and the final Reward Rift at the end will give you the Drum.

Turning The New Relics Gold

Turning the items gold takes place on the main Call of Duty Modern Warfare Zombies map, you do not need to be in the mission to do this. It’s worth noting that right now, this is quite buggy. Some players are unable to interact with the locations, while others can.

Turning The MMA Gloves Gold

Head to the boxing ring in the Zaravan Suburbs. Once you are there, head into the center of the ring and use the interact button that appears. Once you have offered the Tattered MMA Gloves in the ring, switch to melee and punch the three nearby punching bags until they are on fire. An enemy will then spawn. Kill the zombie to get the gold gloves.

Turning The Pristine Mirror Gold

For the mirror, you need to head to the graveyard in the North East corner of the map. Once there, there’s a gravestone with a mirror marked on it. Offer the mirror at the gravestone and several zombies will spawn. In a nearby tower, the ammo types will spawn. Simply grab the ammo type that matches the zombies, kill them with it, and when the final enemy dies you will get the gold mirror.

Turning The Perforated Target Gold

For the Perforated Target, head to the Shahin Manor target range. Once there, approach one of the target range stations and you will be able to offer your item. Targets will then spawn around the area, marked by a purple glow. Shoot each target to turn it red and a zombie will spawn. Kill the zombie to get the final item.

Once you have all 4 gold items, you can head to the new rift location and open the rift.

Where To Find The Drum Relic In COD MW Zombies

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