Featuring the legendary magical sport, Unbroken Studios and Portkey Games announced that Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions will come out for PC and consoles September 3.
Featuring iconic wizarding world locations, characters, and references, Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions lets players take control of Beater, Chaser, Keeper or Seeker.
Locales include the Weasley Burrow and the Quidditch World Cup, with Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger and other iconic characters making an appearance.
Learn more with the announcement trailer for Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions below:
Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions – Official Reveal Trailer
David Haddad, President, Warner Bros. Games, said the following:
“Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions gives fans a chance to delve further into the Harry Potter world with the thrill of playing this beloved, fantastical sport. The team has worked to capture the spirit of Quidditch, including iconic characters and never-before-seen areas of the wizarding world.”
David Haddad
Paul Ohanian, Chief Executive Officer, Unbroken Studios, added:
“The team is excited to unveil Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions and showcase our take of this magical sport. We’ve worked hard to create a Quidditch game to play solo or with friends, that is an authentic representation of the fan-favorite sport.”
Paul Ohanian
Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions Standard Edition will release for the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and PC via Steam and Epic Games Store.
The title will also be available to all PlayStation Plus members from September 3-30, 2024.
In the interim, be sure to join the conversation via the official Discord channel for the game.
The post Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions Launching September 3 appeared first on GamersHeroes.