Song Review: Key (SHINee) – Tongue Tied

It appears there will be no full group comeback for SHINee this year, but that doesn’t mean the individual members won’t be busy. In between his many appearances on variety, Key has returned with a new Japanese single. Tongue Tied was made available last week, but today marks its music video debut. I haven’t been shy about my love for Key’s music in the past. He’s one of those soloists who truly seems to have an idiosyncratic vision. And, our musical preferences often overlap.

With that said, I prefer Key at his most ambitious. Songs like Bad Love, Killer and (underrated b-side) Imagine see him reaching for the stars, whether that be through melody, production or sheer charisma. In comparison, Tongue Tied feels mid-tier in both ambition and execution. The chorus’s layered, almost choir-like vocal arrangement kills. The track drips with texture, utilizing sonic hallmarks that reach back all the way to the 70’s. There’s a sweltering sleaze that emanates from the bass line, and a standout instrumental break further enhances this atmosphere as we reach the final chorus.

Yet, Tongue Tied doesn’t really go anywhere. It’s an accomplished ode to its influences and offers a slightly different twist to Key’s artistry, but when the song ends I’m not begging to repeat it. This is where a touch more ambition would have done the track good. Even so, mid-tied Key is more engaging than many artists at their peak.






Grade: B

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