It’s pretty ballsy to name your single “Hot Mess,” essentially teeing up critics and naysayers if the song is anything less than amazing. But if we’re speaking of “amazing,” aespa already have a super solid track record. And with Supernova‘s incredible chart dominance this spring, the girls seem to have entered an imperial phase. Can that energy extend to the Japanese market?
If Hot Mess is any indication, I’m not so sure. The song embraces an NCT-style suite of percussion, banging and clanging with sharp, abrasive tones. This works best when contrasted by a smooth, addicting melody. Otherwise, the track can easily become too cacophonous for its own good. aespa sing-talk their way through most of Hot Mess and this approach — coupled by that already cloying production — is a lot to take. There’s a world where a song is so combative that it becomes unexpectedly revelatory, but Hot Mess lacks the ambition to let that happen.
My biggest gripe with Hot Mess isn’t actually the production. It’s the fact that — rather than a song — it feels like a bunch of random segments thrown together without any through line or context. The boastful rap of the verses is more obnoxious than commanding, while the chanted chorus lacks imagination. Then, we’ve got some random ascending melodies thrown in for no reason other than to break up all the talking. It’s a ton of all caps SOUND that doesn’t amount to anything once the song has finished. I’m sure it’ll be someone’s cup of tea, but Hot Mess isn’t for me at all.