Song Review: VVUP – Ain’t Nobody

Rookie group VVUP have a mixed batting average so for, often let down by the production fueling their songs. They’re back with a summer single today, and that instantly perks up my attention. Sadly, Ain’t Nobody (에인트 노바디) hinges on many overused musical and conceptual tropes of the moment.

The song is built upon a somewhat sparse, percussion-heavy instrumental that feels like a louder, more aggressive version of the popular NewJeans sound. Bright spikes of synth punctuate this steady bounce as misplaced trap drumrolls offer a distracting air of fitfulness. I suppose this production gets the job done, but it feels like a copy of a copy and leaves little impact.

Ain’t Nobody‘s melodies are similarly underwhelming, opting for a sing-song repetition that quickly grows tired. If you’ve heard the first thirty seconds of the song, you’ve pretty much heard the entire thing. There’s no growth or modulation, making Ain’t Nobody feel slight and inessential. Add a steady stream of boastful lyrics (you all know how I feel about those!), and you’ve got a pretty easy skip.






Grade: C-

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