Song Review: Yoon Sanha (Astro) – Dive

Someone needs to do a case study on why so many idol soloists debut with the most subdued (ie: dull) material you could possibly imagine. Have they been so beaten down by the maximalist needs of K-pop’s idol group system? Are they under the impression that — above all else — they must show some sort of inner pathos or reflection to be credible? Whatever the case, solo releases often follow similar sonic paths.

As the youngest of Astro, Yoon Sanha made his debut as a smiley, overalls-wearing kid. He and the group have obviously been through a lot since 2016 so it’s not surprising to see his solo work take a darker turn. I just wish this tone came along with an equally evocative song, because Dive does little to highlight his charm as an artist. Sonically, it feels mired in the gloomy, melodically flat territory that many western male pop stars have reverted to over the past decade.

With that said, Dive grows more interesting as it reaches its chorus. The verses do nothing for me, but I enjoy the swell of the song’s centerpiece, especially when it’s accompanied by synth strings. This dramatic atmosphere works well with the melody but makes me wish the song truly took the opportunity to break free from its confines. At under three minutes, there’s no room for a bridge and Dive ends just as it’s starting to get good. It’s as if we’re given the first few minutes of a slow-burn, five-minute highlight but the producers have held back the payoff that makes it all work.






Grade: C

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