Where To Feed Nix 3 Different Meals In Star Wars Outlaws

One of the many Expert objectives requires you to have Nix taste 3 different meals. In this guide for Star Wars Outlaws, we’ll show you all the different locations Nix can use to eat.

While this is mostly used for the Cheeky Explosion ability upgrade for Teeka The Hotfixer Expert, each dish can also provide Nix with unique and powerful abilities, such as the opportunity to kick away enemy grenades.

You only need to feed Nix 3 different meals, but as there are buffs available for the additional meals, we’ll show you all of the eating locations.

Bonus Tip

Once you have eaten a meal with Nix, you can head to the kitchen part of your ship. From here, interact with the food dish. This allows you to give Nix a new food item, changing the buff available to better suit your current situation.

Toshara Nix Street Food

Che Mosska is the Galactic Street Food on Toshara. You can find it in the Northern area of the city, just South of the Crimson Dawn section of the city.

Che Mosska Effect: Nix will kick grenades away from Kay

Tatooine Nix Street Food

Sketto Chuga is the Galactic Street Food vendor on Mos Eisley, Tatooine. You can find it at the central Bazaar.

Sketto Chuga Effect: Nix attacks now make enemies wreak havoc, causing them to shoot wildly in all directions.

Kijimi Nix Street Food

Kijimi’s Galactic Street Food is Duradan Soup, you can find it in the Kijimiko Square area of the city.

Duradan Soup Effect: Nix can distract multiple enemies at once, but the distraction time is reduced.

Akiva Nix Street Food

The Akiva Galactic Street Food can be found in the city of Myraa, on Satrap’s Promenade.

Kurado Fruit Effect: Nix distractions last longer

Bonus Tip #2

The sequences with Kay and Nix eating at the various establishments is some of the most personal content between the two characters. To speed things up, or to enjoy the interaction fully, you can disable the mini-game in the option’s menu.

The post Where To Feed Nix 3 Different Meals In Star Wars Outlaws appeared first on GamersHeroes.

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