For a group of their stature, A.C.E have developed an outsized fanbase internationally, touring extensively to cultivate fans all over the world. Their music has occasionally catered to this market, though the past few years have been quite inconsistent when it comes to sound.
In my heart, I’ll always hold A.C.E as those daring upstarts who released songs like Cactus and Callin’ when everyone else was following different trends. The guys crafted a stellar discography up to their enlistment, but seem to be stuck in an identity crisis now. March’s My Girl was nice but lightweight, failing to take advantage of their specific charms. New single Pinata swerves in the exact opposite direction, emphasizing bombast over melody or nuance. To my ears, it’s the worst thing they’ve released since 2019’s misguided Savage.
If you love the sound of boy groups shouting at you full blast, you’re in for a treat. From Pinata‘s opening electronic stomp and vocal fry, it’s clear this will be the type of song that seeks to show listeners how cool and tough the guys are. I don’t really care how cool or tough an artist is if the music isn’t good, and Pinata‘s joyless, flat chorus renders the whole track off-putting. This hook is so bad it negates any of the impressive vocal turns that surround it. A lumbering instrumental only supports the song’s worst instincts, failing to bring anything new to this sub-genre of shout pop. A.C.E have shown us again and again that they’re capable of amazing things, but this is doing nothing for them.