Song Review: YOUNITE – Taste

I didn’t watch Road to Kingdom: Ace of Ace, but I’m enjoying my own post-show ranking as each artist releases new material. So far, I must give the crown to 8TURN with CRAVITY just behind. Next up is YOUNITE, who placed fourth on the series’ finale.

Earlier this year YOUNITE impressed with the fun hip-hop throwback Geekin, raising expectations for what they might come up with next. Taste is a more vocal-focused track, taking a light funk approach that melds retro breakbeats with modern production tropes. However, both the instrumental and melody miss the chance to distinguish themselves from the pack. The production’s most interesting element — a repeated flute (?) loop — is buried in the mix, and the percussion lacks force and personality.

Meanwhile, Taste‘s hooks are too flat and unmemorable to stick. The entire song is polished and well-performed, but any potentially compelling avenues have been sealed off before we even have a chance to explore them. It’s a shame, because this sound fits YOUNITE like a glove and they’ve already shown themselves adept at imbuing old-school dance tracks with personality. Returning to my own post-Road to Kingdom ranking, I’m afraid I’d have to put Taste at the bottom for now.






Grade: C

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