K-Pop A-Z Review: GFriend – Always

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Always (from Season Of Memories – 2025)

Just one day after concluding, the GFriend A-Z feature briefly stirs to life once more because the group has made its reunion today and released a new b-side. And… surprise, surprise… Always is not a dull ballad! In fact, it’s much stronger than its accompanying title track. Always isn’t quite the classic GFriend sound I crave, but its robust pop/rock instrumental is full and exciting in a way that has always suited the girls.

Always blends straightforward pop hooks with an extremely effective strings riff that closes each chorus. Its blend of stadium-ready chords and orchestral flourishes works as a great reinterpretation of GFriend’s musical legacy. Add some bright, retro synths and you’ve got a heady brew that feels like a real celebration. The song features actual dynamics, moving through distinct segments without rushing. This allows each moment to revel in its potential. All that’s missing are some well-placed power notes and a finale that truly kicks the track into the stratosphere.






Grade: B+

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