Song Review: KJRGL – Generation_Cloud

Whenever writing about boy group KJRGL, it’s my civic duty to remind you that that acronym stands for “Kind (of) Just Right Good Luck”. I just love that nonsense. This group is Japanese but co-managed by Sony Music Entertainment Korea. Because of this, their music tends to have a very K-pop sound and that continues on new single Generation_Cloud.

This is a burst of youthful energy, especially when the track reaches its chorus. Rhythm guitar meets bounding synths to craft fun verses that blend vocal and rap in equal measure. None of their melodies amount to much, but the song moves at a clip so you’re never given much time to worry about the structure. Generation_Cloud‘s chorus compensates for any murkiness that might mire those verses. Its perky melody reminds me of a Pepsi commercial, but the robust arrangement gives it nice heft. I could do without the obnoxious “this is my generation” chants that close the track, but overall this is a fun single from the kind of just right good luck guys.






Grade: B-

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