K-pop is littered with acts who – for one reason or another – didn’t get the full spotlight they deserved. I’ve spent plenty of time ranking and reviewed the industry’s biggest artists, but these underrated acts should never be forgotten.
This feature will take a look at disbanded groups and rank/rate their entire singles run, placing them in the pantheon of K-pop history.
Next up is DMTN (also known as Dalmation)!
Career timeline: 2010-2013
Overall sound: From trendy electro to surging, dramatic angst.
5. That Man Opposed (2011)
The chintzy synths and heavy autotune instantly date this to a certain era. The song itself is decent but the arrangement does it no favors.
Rating: 7.75
4. Round 1 (2010)
DMTN debuted with a much cuter sound than they would go on to develop. Still, Round 1 echoes classic K-pop nostalgia in a fun way. The bounding beat and rapped verses work well together, even if the whole thing is relentlessly cheesy.
Rating: 8
3. Lover Cop (2011)
Oh my god, the intro on this one! We need to bring back these lame “Guess who’s back?!?” song introductions. This song is otherwise marred by its incessant vocal effects but the chorus has a nice lift to it.
Rating: 8
2. Safety Zone (2013)
Safety Zone built upon the success of 2012’s E.R. with a similar structure that blends chugging EDM with moody keys and a dramatic chorus. It’s not quite as strong as its predecessor, but still evokes a ton of emotion. I love the melody in the pre-chorus and the warped guitar that accents the instrumental.
Rating: 8.5
1. E.R. (2012)
This is such a microcosm of K-pop sounds in 2012-13. The surging, emotive melodies and angsty deliver almost feel like their own unique sub-genre, of which Bigbang’s Monster reigns supreme. This is also a classic example of the form, kicking off with a melodramatic intro and climaxing in a gorgeous chorus.