Song Review: Hearts2Hearts – The Chase

I often find myself playing the expectation game with K-pop, trying to enjoy music for what it is rather than what I’ve built it up to be in my head. For over a year now, SM’s new girl group has been rumored to be the second coming of SNSD — a possibility that got me ridiculously excited. K-pop’s girl groups rarely make SNSD-style megawatt pop music anymore and the industry desperately needs a new act that breaks free of the beige pop cycle it’s stuck in. Hearts2Hearts may very well become that group, but debut single The Chase is just as subdued as I’d feared.

Taking my own bias out of the equation and lifting industry-saving expectations off of this song, I’m still underwhelmed. The Chase passes by with plenty of vibe but no real drama, like a pleasant whisper. Rather than push things forward (as SM Entertainment has often done), it kowtows to every trend of the moment. This song could have easily come from a dozen currently active groups and without the agency’s enormous cachet I doubt whether it would have received much attention.

The Chase is well-executed and I hear some nice vocals in its mix. But as a full debut package, it offers very little. Melodically, it feels like a nice b-side, pulling its punches with a ton of lazy sing-talk rather than full-fledged hooks. Dull verses are resuscitated by beautiful harmonies, making me curious how SM will harness the girls’ talents in the future. For now, the mood board seems hazy and unsure. I was really hoping I wouldn’t have to say this, but The Chase is easily SM’s most underwhelming debut song in decades (maybe ever!).






Grade: C

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