Song Review: STAYC – Bebe

When a song hits big in K-pop, the industry tends to drive that same sound into the ground over the next few years. With aespa’s Supernova and Whiplash both major hits in 2024, it was only a matter of time before pounding club beats and spoken-word attitude lodged itself within the girl group oeuvre. STAYC’s new single Bebe may be the most clear example yet. It’s a step in the right direction… with some major reservations.

To get us back to an exciting place in K-pop’s girl group sound, two ingredients are essential. First is a jolt of energy, in contrast to the muted palette that’s lorded over the industry for years. Second is dynamic melody, replacing the “I’m so cool” sing-talk that has had a similarly iron grip on so many recent songs. Bebe gets the first part right. Its production is high-octane and glistening, keeping momentum high right from the start. In this way, the track reminds me of Kara’s brilliant 2014 single Mamma Mia — an emblem of what a big dancefloor smash can strive to be.

Unfortunately, this is where the comparisons end. Bebe is nearly all sing-talk, and some parts work better than others. The first verse is brisk and exciting as the girls’ vocals match the speed of the instrumental. I’m less convinced by the chorus, which feels more like an excuse for people on the internet to say “she’s serving _____!” than a properly conceived hook. The drawling delivery doesn’t work for me and Bebe quickly becomes repetitive rather than thrilling. Without a proper refrain to grab hold of, even the dynamic instrumental begins to fade into a chintzy background thump. It’s a shame, because so few girl groups are attempting this tempo and the song could have been incredible.






Grade: B-

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