Song Review: Bang Chan & Hyunjin (Stray Kids) – Escape

Over the past few days, Stray Kids have been releasing music videos for each of the unit tracks on their new mixtape. We’ve already heard from Changbin, I.N, Han and Felix, leaving four more members to go. Up next is Bang Chan and Hyunjin. Their Escape brings just as much bombast as the past two songs, though it’s delivered in a more measured way.

I’m not sure exactly how to describe this song, but “trap-rock ballad” seems as good a label as any. It moves from angsty verses to a crushing stomp of guitar and percussion for the chorus. To me, it feels like a more idiosyncratic version of an Imagine Dragons song, and your enjoyment may hinge on how much you enjoy that band. Escape delivers catharsis well. I can imagine a crowd of thousands singing its chorus in unified release. Much of the instrumental offers plenty of space for Bang Chan and Hyunjin to show off and this is a fitting sound for them.

However, Escape’s energy is just too lumbering to ignite much interest. I appreciate when it switches into a more nimble melody during verse two, traced by very effective falsetto. But without much of a chorus to anchor the track, Escape puts too much focus on stomp-it-out angst. Its overall direction shows promise, but the execution is not entirely for me.






Grade: C

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