Blast Worship: Common Decency

Where they from?
Binghamton, New York. It is the first week of the NCAA college basketball tournament here in the United States and, to be honest, I have mixed feelings about it. Obviously, I am a huge fan of disassociating out of awkward social situations using sports and the tournament is rather ideal for that but at the same time how do you expect me to give a flying fuck about people from ARKANSAS?!

Why the hype?
I will be the first to point out that this band first released this demo last November but please keep in mind that with the new tariff system the federal government is utilizing that there is an expected delay of about four months from the time an album hits our desk to when we will write about it. Either way, don’t let the delay dissuade you from gorging yourself on this heaping helpful bastion of grindviolence goodness. Think filthy basement violence similar to Chainsaw To the Face and early Shitstorm. And man, do we love a vocalist too pissed off to use any type of actual technique and instead just FUCKING YELLS LIKE AN ACTUAL GROWN UP.

Latest Release?
May You Find Peace, Rat Mix Records. This is a very strong debut for a band. Some very bleak and aggressive hardcore that seems to accurately reflect both the bleak winters of rural New York and the overall national mood right now. Maybe they could distract themselves by watching Duke dismantle Wichita State or some shit.

May You Find Peace by Common Decency

The post Blast Worship: Common Decency appeared first on Decibel Magazine.

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