How To Create A Playful Space That’s Rich In Colour + Texture

How To Create A Playful Space That’s Rich In Colour + Texture


Mariah Burton

Salon HER by Folk Studio. Photo – Terence Chin.

Ford Loft by Folk Studio. Phot0 – Jacqui Turk.

My design ethos revolves around the concept of layering — where the principle of ‘less is more’ simply doesn’t apply. The key is to embrace a rich variety of textures, heights, and finishes to create a visually engaging environment. Below, I share some top tips on how to do it.

Layer thoughtfully: Rather than focusing on minimalism, the goal is to maximise the interplay of different tactile elements, ensuring each surface and detail contributes to the overall aesthetic impact. This approach invites a thoughtful selection of materials and a careful consideration of how they complement each other, resulting in a scheme that is dynamic and multi-dimensional.

Find the unexpected: Blend together materials that wouldn’t typically be paired to create a captivating fusion of colors, textures, and patterns. The aim is to discover a unique synergy where diverse elements complement each other harmoniously, resulting in a design that intrigues.

Take it slow: The objective is to cultivate a space that exudes the charm of a curated collection rather than a meticulously designed environment. The essence is to convey a sense that each item has been gathered organically over time. Introducing a couple of vintage pieces, such as a lamp or a rug, plays a crucial role in achieving this aesthetic. These vintage elements add character and history, infusing the space with a timeless appeal.

The key is to strike a balance where the space feels lived-in and authentic, rather than overly polished or contrived. Incorporating vintage pieces brings a sense of warmth and nostalgia, contributing to an inviting atmosphere.

Colour on the walls: Achieve a cocooning effect by using a flat colour paint on the walls and/or ceiling, enveloping the space in a comforting embrace. Painting all the walls creates a sensation akin to being wrapped in a cozy hug, enhancing the room’s warmth and intimacy.

Tactile objects: Unique ceramics and an assortment of stones introduce a luxurious touch to these interior spaces, while also subtly incorporating additional patterns into the environment.

Additional moodboard credits: (From left) Large ceramic sculpture by Stephanie Philips from Pepite. Spheres XII ceramic sculpture by Debby Watson from Pepite. Rockpool Vase X-large in grape by Dinosaur Designs from Jardan. Moon Vase in light blue by Bianca Pintan from Jardan. Apollo Bust in rust from Fenton & Fenton. Small Double Clover Vase in chocolate by Bzippy from Jardan. Parasol Double Pinch Vase in pink cream by Alex and Trahanas from Jardan. Elk Bolster Cushion in copper from Jardan. Etro Chocolate Stripe Velvet Cushion from L&M. Metro Station #1 by Dave Kulesza.  

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