Song Review: from20 x Hello Gloom – Your Love

from20 and Hello Gloom have become unlikely conduits for fantastic, EDM-influenced pop. Both have released their fair share of highlights, with March’s explosive Mamacita standing as one of this year’s most addictive singles. The two work closely together under their self-established WAYBETTER label and now they’ve finally come together on a single. Your Love acts as their version of a fan song, moving full tilt into dance music.

Existing just outside the mainstream allows Your Love to take an approach you wouldn’t hear from most idol groups. The guys deliver plenty of vocal melody, but there are also long stretches devoted solely to the throbbing club beat. In this way, it almost sounds more like a DJ track. This becomes more apparent as the song moves on, ceding more of its focus toward production. As always, I’d prefer a clear, knockout chorus, but the instrumental is so euphoric it hardly matters.

Rather than a standout on its own, Your Love feels like a culmination of from20 and Hello Gloom’s music thus far and an invitation to more exciting things to come. I’m quite excited to hear where they go from here.






Grade: B

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