Song Review: Young Posse – Ate That

Rookies Young Posse have made a name for themselves with quirky hip-hop tracks and bizarre music videos with bad green screen effects. New single Ate That leans into both aspects but stands as their best attempt yet, embracing a full throated G-funk beat.

I have a huge soft spot for 90’s hip-hop, particularly when underlined by car-shaking grooves and funk-inspired synth. Ate That is clearly appropriative and seems to know it, and that’s been a problematic aspect of Young Posse’s music from the start. It requires some level of cultural blinders from its listeners. Removing that aspect from the conversation, Young Posse are at their best when acting goofy yet simultaneously taking the music itself quite seriously. Ate That strikes this balance, merging a silly counted hook to an extremely credible instrumental that injects a sense of fun back into K-hip-hop.

I can’t stress enough how much I love Ate That‘s production. In a market currently bogged down by subdued beats and two minute songs, it’s so refreshing to hear a track that feels like it’s actively trying. The song itself doesn’t offer many killer punches, but that almost doesn’t matter when the beat is so addicting and fully fleshed out. I’d love to hear Young Posse continue down this route, mining the best ideas from the past and injecting their own modern touch.

(Unfortunately, the audio in the official music video upload is very distorted, so I’m also embedding the album version for comparison)






Grade: B

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