Song Review: DAY6 – Melt Down

Fourteen years into their career, it’s amazing how immensely popular DAY6 have become. Their 2019 title track Time Of Our Life has (rightfully) become a sleeper hit on the charts, while newest single Welcome To The Show has also experienced a boomerang over the past few months. The group boasts a robust back catalog, and it seems that Korea is more than happy to dive in again and again. Stacked against this history, Melt Down (녹아내려요) sounds more like a victory lap than a standout in its own right.

DAY6 have smartly reverted to the celebratory energy of Time Of Our Life, poised to build upon that late-career success. I’m sure there are better descriptions, but this rollicking rock energy always recalls images of running (frolicking?) through a grass field as spring begins to bloom. Melt Down takes this style in a heavier direction, setting its buoyant chorus against verses that feel more confrontational.

As is often the case with great pop music, Time Of Our Life harnessed an incredible series of singalong melodies perfectly poised for stadium performances. Melt Down attempts a similar approach but the chorus struggles to scale the same emotional or cathartic heights. It’s super solid, but without a unique calling card the song threatens to fade into a catalog already stuffed with excellent singles.






Grade: C+

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