Full EP Stream: No Gods – “Counterfeit / Noose Wound”

It’s been a while since Philly-area thrashers No Gods released new music but they’re back today with two new songs and a revamped lineup, featuring new bassist Ray Figueroa (ex-Outer Heaven).

The two songs, “Counterfeit” and “Noose Wound,” pick up where No Gods left off in 2018 with their first (and currently only) full-length, Paradise. The classic thrash metal edge is still present, but the band’s death metal and hardcore influences are felt even more clearly on their latest recordings.

“These two songs feel like the perfect launch point for the bands next chapter,” guitarist/vocalist Joey Torelli tells Decibel. “Took our shared experience over the last couple of years and smashed them into a little something everyone can get down and identify with. We all hate someone, these songs go out to them. The EP is just a vibe check for what we’ve been working on.”

No Gods’ new EP is officially out digitally and on tape via Heavy and Fast on September 26, but you can get an advance listen below. They’re playing a release show with Inter Arma and Pyrrhon on September 26 at Milkboy Philadelphia.

Counterfeit//Noose Wound EP by No Gods

The post Full EP Stream: No Gods – “Counterfeit / Noose Wound” appeared first on Decibel Magazine.

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