Song Review: aespa – Whiplash

Pre-release tracks aren’t necessarily meant to become the biggest hit of an artist’s career, but aespa’s Supernova surprised everyone by lodging itself at the top of the charts for the better part of the year. Karina’s recent solo track Up seems to be doing the same, adding to aespa’s red hot ascent. Now, the full group has returned to wrap up their incredible 2024 with new single Whiplash.

As exciting as aespa can be, their musical output sometimes gives me… well… whiplash. Their singles run has been hit or miss, evident even in the disparity between Supernova and Armageddon. They find their sweet spot in propulsive electro pop, first utilized in 2021’s excellent Next Level. Whiplash goes full bore in this direction, offering a strutting dance beat that’s more engaging than the song itself. I love how consistently upbeat this instrumental is. Its pulse never relents, growing bigger and bolder as the track goes on. It’s not the most unusual or idiosyncratic production I’ve ever heard, but in a climate of subdued, easy-listening girl group pop I’m pleased to hear some energy.

When it comes to Whiplash‘s hooks, I’m of two minds. On one hand, this style of song suits a repetitive spoken-word centerpiece, but we also know how incredible aespa are when they’re belting out melody. If we were to completely remove Whipash‘s production, I’m not sure there’d me much of a song left — just four girls awkwardly muttering “whiplash” over and over. Because of this, I appreciate the moments where the track makes room for dynamic melody. The build toward its second chorus is especially effective and should have provided a guide for the entire song. Overall, this is a solid continuation of Supernova‘s musical success but not the knockout it could have been.






Grade: B

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