THE BIAS LIST’s 2024 Reader Survey – RESULTS

Thank you all for participating in the first ever BIAS LIST READER’S SURVEY! I received nearly 700 responses over the past few days and it’s been really fun digging into the results. I wanted to share the overall trends and offer some commentary of my own.

It looks like we’ve got a seasoned group here, with the vast majority being readers for anywhere between one to four years. This makes sense given the blog’s spike in readership during the pandemic. I’m excited to see almost 14%  of new readers. Welcome, welcome, welcome! And to those thirteen people who have been with me since 2016, thank you from the bottom of my heart and… how the heck did you even find me back then??

This dovetails nicely with the first question, though on average readers have been K-pop fans longer than they’ve known about this blog. I’m impressed and surprised that nearly a quarter of readers have been K-pop fans longer than a decade. I count myself in that group as well.

Sorry for the somewhat messy display of this graph. It’s hard to neatly post the questions that have so many response choices. This one’s of particular interest to me because, apart from number of clicks and comments, there’s no real way to gauge which blog features people actually enjoy. It looks like I’ll need to write more “Every Single Ranked” and “Battle of the B-Sides” posts! I’m very happy to see the love for my weekly J-pop round-ups. They’re time-consuming and don’t get many hits, but those who read them clearly enjoy the content. Apart from that, it looks like every feature has its fans. That’s good news!

A handful of readers think I’m either too critical or too nice, but on the whole it looks like my reviews have found the sweet spot.

Most readers think this year in K-pop has been average. 37% found it below or way below average, while 22% found it above or way above average. It’s worth noting that only 13 people found it “way above average,” though. Strangely, I might count myself in the “above average” countdown. The problem is, all the great music was stuffed within small portions of the year so overall 2024 felt way below average. It’s a weird year.

That big white portion is for all the “other” responses people left. There were many of these responses, with some leaving the names of specific artists, some stating that many things made the year exciting and some saying the year actually wasn’t exciting at all. Judging from the responses, the established K-pop groups made 2024 most exciting. I feel the opposite to the majority, favoring rookie groups this year.

Responses were a bit more mixed on this one, but I guess people weren’t feeling 2024’s new debuts as much as usual. Or maybe there just weren’t that many notable debuts?

This was split more evenly than I anticipated. Judging from comments and clicks, I assumed my readership was much more girl group biased than this data displays. Girl groups still took the edge, but it’s a nice balance. Many respondents said they had no preference.

It looks like many of you are ready for a change in musical trends! Me too. We’re also looking forward to a less scandal-plagued year that gives us the return of favorite groups. Only four brave souls (0.4%) said they hope 2024’s musical trends continue into next year.

Question ten was open-ended and I received so many long, thoughtful responses. I’m excited to delve into these more deeply than I already have, but above all else I want to thank you all again. It’s heartening to hear how this blog has become a part of so many readers’ daily routines.

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