Where they from?
Los Angeles, California. Yesterday, I woke up to the news that the New York Mets signed Juan Soto to a 15-year, bajillion-dollar deal. I normally am very wary of these big-time contracts for star players, but I need this right now. My football team sucks, my hockey team sucks and my toilet is clogged, I NEED THIS! BOBBY BONILLA 2.0, HERE WE COME!
Why the hype?
As the last entrails of autumn fade into the oblivion of winter, we as a populace seek out certain songs to cheer our dreary souls during this most difficult of transformations. Enter: MORGUE BREATH. This band has such a professional kick-ass-ism to their sound I’m honestly surprised they aren’t from Europe. Vocally they very much remind me of grind gods Assück but musically they are very reminiscent of Spain’s now sadly defunct Looking for an Answer in that they seamlessly combine elements of old-school death metal with hellacious grind and manage to keep everything up tempo with helpful heapings of thrash. The guitarist sure does love his tremolo picking but luckily his tone is distinct (yet br00tal) enough that you can actually make out what he’s doing!
Latest release?
Plaga Sin Rostro, Blast Addict. The penultimate song on this record contains a funeral organ and I’m not gonna lie: IT’S FUCKING SICK. I normally hate any type of keys on a metal album (this is a grindcore column, not a doom one) but here it just feels very dark and epic, and then the last song it’s like “Back to business, we’re gonna kick your ass for another two-and-a-half minutes.” Pretty stellar if you ask me.
Plaga Sin Rostro by Morgue Breath
The post Blast Worship: Morgue Breath appeared first on Decibel Magazine.