Song Review: Minnie ((G)I-DLE) – Blind Eyes Red

(G)I-DLE members haven’t often committed to solo efforts with full music show promotions, choosing instead to dabble in digital releases and special singles — often unveiled with little fanfare. This is a smart way to slowly develop each members’ personal sound without the pressure of huge comeback budgets and expectations. Minnie’s understated English-language Blind Eyes Red feels like part of this approach, though it acts as a pre-release for her upcoming album.

I’m sure Blind Eyes Red will please a large segment of Minnie’s fan base, but this style is not for me. I feel like I can scroll through YouTube and find dozens of international songs that feature this same sound: sludgy tempo, trap beats and way too much emphasis on “vibe.” That’s my own musical preference talking, because I know this kind of track takes skill and charisma to pull off. With objectivity in mind, Minnie does a great job compelling interest through her vocal alone. Her tone, combined with a few well-place effects, creates an otherworldly — almost claustrophobic — atmosphere. I see how this would entice listeners eager for this type of mood.

Tearing my “objective” hat off and replacing it with the gaudy hat of subjectivity reveals a different story. I can’t imagine wanting to listen to Blind Eyes Red — even in the context of an album. If I’m going to turn to slower material like this, I look for a sense of warmth in either the melodies or production to pull me in. Blind Eyes Red simply trudges along, repeating one or two melodic ideas again and again as the monotonous instrumental fails to deliver any surprises.






Grade: C-

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