Song Review: Infinite – Dangerous

Comebacks from beloved, established artists are difficult. I wish I could fully embrace them, unencumbered from the legacy of incredible music that forms their foundation. But more often than not, this history gets in the way and I end up wishing for material that matches the potency of their peak artistic era. This situation happened with G-Dragon last month and it definitely colored Infinite’s big 2023 comeback. When you know what an act is capable of, it’s hard to settle for anything less.

This is all to say, I’ve realized it’s not usually an artist I miss, but their sound. I guess this makes sense given the medium of music. Infinite’s vocals have an identifiable sound, but it’s their signature blend of drama and open-hearted melody that truly set them apart. New single Dangerous offers a light funky style and feels more fully realized than 2023’s New Emotions, but it never comes close to recapturing Infinite’s specific charm. It’s clear the guys are in an era of purchasing songs from various producers rather than having material specifically tailored to them.

Dangerous is pleasant in the way that any bright, funky boy group release might be. It bops along buoyant rhythm guitar and roller-rink-ready synth. The group’s inimitable vocals bring character to anything they touch, but the melodies just aren’t here this time. None of the hooks hit particularly hard or give the guys much to work with. Couched within one of K-pop’s most legendary discographies, Dangerous feels like a throwaway. They would have been much better off promoting last year’s Sungkyu and Woohyun duet Beautiful, which went a long way toward recapturing the intensity and excitement only they can deliver.






Grade: B-

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