Blast Worship: Tension

Where they from?
Huntington Beach, CA. It is a new year, what is your resolution? Mine is to gain weight, stress more and allow toxic people in my life. How will I achieve this? Simple: Keep rooting for the New York Jets. Really addresses all three areas if you think about it.

Why the hype?
WEST COAST GRINDVIOLENCE — let’s talk about it. What do those words even mean? I’ll be honest, I’m not really sure. I would assume it’s a catch-all for all the grind-leaning powerviolence bands that have come out of the California area since roughly 2010. But why are we splitting hairs here? This is a fucking grindcore column and all I know is this band seriously SHREDS. Eviscerating vocals, searing guitar and enough herky-jerky time changes to make the dudes in Mellow Harsher proud (when they’re not posing for adorable holiday photos).

Latest Release?
Split with Wormeater, self-released. It’s always a tricky proposition to release an album on January first. Will the blog nerds even remember it eleven months from now when they stop playing World of Warcraft for fifteen minutes to write their albums of the year list? Well, these FASCIST-CRUSHING VEGAN GRINDERS don’t care. They fly in the face of your pithy AOTY lists! (By the way did you see mine? I was pretty proud of it). GRIND. VIOLENCE. WEST. COAST. CALIFORNIA. VEGAN.


The post Blast Worship: Tension appeared first on Decibel Magazine.

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