Song Review: DXMON – Spark

DXMON (pre)debuted earlier this month with cool hairstyles but a song that echoed many of K-pop’s familiar shouty boy group tropes. I had my fingers crossed they’d have something new up their sleeves for their official debut track, but although Spark brings the intensity down a bit it suffers from many of the same issues I had with Burn Up.

Spark‘s general sound is an improvement, clearing space for more nuanced, emotive performances. There’s a great song to be made from this herky-jerky percussive style, but none of the melodies quite catch my ear. The chorus comes closest, unveiling a descending hook that adds a great sense of movement to the track. But apart from this centerpiece, the melodies simply go through the motions, occasionally yielding to effective rap verses.

This results in a track that’s just fine. However, it’s hard not to compare it to OnlyOneOf’s recent dOpamine, which feels like a close cousin with a much more exciting arsenal of hooks.






Grade: C

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