Song Review: Genic – Sayonara no wake

Sometimes a new release is perfectly timed to capture the mood of the day. Genic’s Sayonara no wake has been available since last month, but the music video for this winter ballad dropped today. It just so happened to correspond with a major snowstorm hitting my little corner of the world, perfectly complimenting the quiet stillness outside.

If you’ve been following this blog for any amount of time, you’ll know that ballads aren’t usually my thing. However, I do have a soft spot for mixed-gender duet ballads, particularly of the emotional J-pop variety. Sayonara no wake reminds me of many classic AAA ballads — a sub-genre unto itself that Genic are well-positioned to explore. I have an even softer spot for Genic themselves and will gladly take any new material they can give us after a sparse 2023 that included only one (admittedly fantastic) single. Thank goodness we have a brand new album to look forward to at the beginning of March!

As far as this style of ballad goes, Sayonara no wake is very pretty. It’s anchored by a strong, memorable chorus that melds tons of sentiment with the members’ wistful vocals. The interplay between their tones makes the track consistently engaging, even if it largely follows tropes we’ve heard countless times before. The personal bias is heavy with this one, but I have a feeling the melodies and emotional resonance will linger long after today’s snow has melted.






Grade: B

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