
PERSEKUTOR Premiere New Track, “Eternal Snowstorm of the Frozen Eye,” via the Decibel Flexi Series

Nearly two decades after first appearing in the pages of Decibel, scuzzy, infectious black ‘n’ roll debasers Persekutor plough their way into the Decibel Flexi Series! “Eternal Snowstorm of the Frozen Eye” is a previously unreleased brain-freezer that is absolutely vital to anyone with a… Read More »PERSEKUTOR Premiere New Track, “Eternal Snowstorm of the Frozen Eye,” via the Decibel Flexi Series

Song Review: SF9 – Bibora

It seems SF9 have settled into a once-a-year-comeback pattern, giving them less chances to hit it out of the park. Last January’s Puzzle had its heart in the right place, but I found the repetitive rhythm of its chorus difficult to fully embrace. Bibora accepts… Read More »Song Review: SF9 – Bibora