For The King 2 List Of Special Abilities, Skills And Their Effects

Each Class and many weapons have special abilities on them. This guide For The King 2 List Of Special Abilities, Skills And Their Effects lists all of the Special Abilities that you can get for each Class so you can understand the effect they have on your group and characters.

For The King 2 List Of Special Abilities, Skills And Their Effects

What Does Called Shot Do?
Called Shot has a small chance of hitting a perfect attack when attacking with a bow

What Does Cheers Do?
Cheers has a chance to spread effects from alcohol to nearby players

What Does Build Scarecrow Do?
Build Scarecrow has small chance to construct a Scarecrow on the front row that acts like a character with Guard

What Does Distract Do?
Distract has a small chance to cause an enemy to miss one roll of their attacks when attacking other party members

What Does Eager Do?
Eager has a chance to act first in combat

What Does Elite Ambush Do?
Elite Ambush makes it so that a character only needs one roll to ambush solo enemies, or two rolls for a camp

What Does Elite Sneak Do?
Elite Sneak makes it so that a character only needs two rolls to sneak past solo enemies or three rolls for camps

What Does Energy Boost Do?
Energy Boost offers a chance for an additional action point at the end of a turn

What Does Eureka Do?
Eureka makes each level up fully fill the focus bar

What Does Find Alcohol Do?
Find Alcohol A small chance to find random bottles of alcohol in dungeons or at the end of a turn

What Does Find Herb Do?
Find Herb has a small chance to find a herb at the end of a turn on land or in a dungeon

What Does Make Potion Do?
Make Potion has a small chance to find a random potion at the end of a turn on land or in a dungeon

What Does Find Scroll Do?
Find Scroll has a small chance to find a random scroll at the end of a turn on land or in a dungeon

What Does Guard Do?
Guard negates magic damage to an ally directly behind a character with a shield

What Does Hardwork Do?
Hardwork provides an extra primary action whenever you consume your last focus in combat

What Does Herd Do?
Herd offers a small chance to find a Sheep follower at the end of a turn

What Does Iron Belly Do?
Iron Belly negates all of the negative effects from drinking alcohol

What Does Justice Do?
Justice adds a small chance of splash damage to any perfect attack with a two-handed weapon

What Does Navigator Do?
Navigator provides two additional movement points at the end of a turn on all boats while driving offroad or on the ocean

What Does Nice Day Do?
Nice Day gives a chance to earn 2 additional overworld movement when the weather is sunny

What Does Party Heal Do?
Party Heal spreads the effects of healing, such as Godsbeards, to nearby allies in combat, overworld, and when resting

What Does Refocus Do?
Refocus has a small chance of regaining a focus point at the end of a turn on land or in a dungeon

What Does Scout Do?
Scout has a chance to reveal the contents of the next upcoming dungeon room

What Does Smoke Flee Do?
Smoke Flee has a chance to flee from combat in any tile, and requires one less roll to flee

What Does Steadfast Do?
Steadfast means characters wearing a shield have a small chance of negating all damage

What Does Support Range Do?
Support Range allows characters to join combat from an additional tile/hex away

What Does Survey Do?
Survey allows characters, when exploring, a small chance to discover hidden overworld points of interest

What Does Tactics Do?
Tactics has a chance to buff a single tile in combat that provides a +5 attack power

Those are all of Special Abilities in For The King 2.

Each Class and many weapons have special abilities on them. This guide For The King 2 List Of Special Abilities, Skills And Their Effects lists all of the Special Abilities that you can get for each Class so you can understand the effect they have on your group and characters.
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The post For The King 2 List Of Special Abilities, Skills And Their Effects appeared first on GamersHeroes.

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