Song Review: One Pact – Must Be Nice

Prior to today’s debut, new boy group One Pact have dropped several pre-release songs. Unfortunately, none of this music has appealed to me (though I did enjoy member Jay Chang’s solo songs last month). After this series of more bombastic, performance-oriented tracks, the guys have pulled way back for Must Be Nice (좋겠다).

I’m surprised this is the song that marks One Pact’s official debut. From the music we’ve heard so far, it feels the least like a typical “single,” forgoing many of K-pop’s flashier aspects for a more understated sound. It’s well-performed (especially that vocal-heavy pre-chorus), but there’s nothing here that sparks my interest. In fact, after the first listen I could barely recall anything about the track!

Must Be Nice plods along a plonky beat during the verses before segueing into a drop-style EDM chorus reminiscent of 2017-era trends. There are moments of melodic flourish here and there, but the track struggles to find a centerpiece worth coming back for.






Grade: C

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