Blast Worship: Deliriant Nerve

Where they from?
Washington D.C. This past weekend I drove with my girlfriend to her hometown of York, Pennsylvania and discovered that there is a Cartoon Network branded hotel in Lancaster, PA. I posted about it on Facebook and several of my friends commented that they had been to the hotel and found it underwhelming. I am confused, I have so many questions: Why specifically Cartoon Network? Why Lancaster? Why is it so shittily run?

Why the hype?
We wrote about the Deliriant boys back in 2021 when their debut EP, Uncontrollable Ascension, uh, debuted. Since then they’e released three excellent, uh, releases including this year’s monumental ‘Contaminated Conscience’. This is tip top quality death grind, spewing out a volatile mixture of all the best D.C./Baltimore bands: Triac, Genocide Pact and Magrudergrind. There were several times I was listening to this album and found myself nodding my head and saying “Damn, that’s good” like I was the protagonist in a fucking Bud Light commercial.

Latest Release?
Contaminated Conscience out on Malokul. I just can’t get over this Cartoon Network Hotel thing. I looked it up on Wikipedia and supposedly there are only two Cartoon Network Hotels in the world and one is in Taiwan and the other is in Lancaster, PA. This has to be some kind of conspiracy, something is at play here. I know the pieces fit, cause I watched them fall away.

Contaminated Conscience by Deliriant Nerve

The post Blast Worship: Deliriant Nerve appeared first on Decibel Magazine.

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