Song Review: X:IN – No Doubt

X:IN have not had it easy on this blog, consistently scoring some of the worst ratings. I considered not even writing about new single No Doubt because, why dogpile on a group who is fighting against the tides to be successful? But in the interest of completion, it feels like I need to touch on their title track after covering their infamous pre-release My Idol.

No Doubt is definitely a step up, yet not as WTF funny as My Idol. So even though this song will garner a higher rating, I’d actually prefer listening to Idol for its unintentional comedy. No Doubt features a more robust instrumental, clearly inspired by groups like BLACKPINK who employ drop choruses with ease. X:IN don’t have the same resources at their disposal, making No Doubt‘s production feel reheated rather than forward-thinking. The performance is adequate but amateur, like a K-pop cover dance squad making a bid for the big stage. I’m not sure who this will appeal to, but you almost have to root for an act as earnest as X:IN whether you enjoy the music or not.






Grade: D

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