Song Review: PICKUS – Little Prince

I can’t overemphasize the shiver that went down my spine when I pressed play on PICKUS’s debut track Little Prince and was met with the tune from “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.” Nursery rhyme interpolations are my kryptonite, and this set expectations quite low. Fortunately, the actual song is a fun blast of upbeat pop — a little rough around the edges but with its heart in the right place.

PICKUS is a seven-member project group from MBC’s Fan Pick — a series I’d never heard of until today. Little Prince opens a bit messy, continuing to riff off its nursery rhyme influence before transitioning to an excitable rap and plenty of mugging for the camera. However, the song improves as it goes on. Its buoyant chorus feels like early Seventeen on a shoestring budget. I enjoy the brightness of the synths and the enthusiasm of the performance, even if there are groups (The Wind, TWS) delivering similar sounds at much higher levels this year.

Overall, Little Prince is a decent starting point that will hopefully lead to more exciting things in the future.






Grade: B-

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