Song Review: HyunA – Q&A

K-Pop queen HyunA made her return on a new label late last year, and Attitude was a brief shot of excitement leading into this new era. Follow-up Q&A takes a more vibe-driven approach, but its dance elements work well for her.

Between 4minute, Trouble Maker, Triple H and her solo work, HyunA’s covered a ton of musical ground over the years. If I were to slot Q&A into any of these eras, I think it shares the most with Trouble Maker’s moody pop. Though this is an upbeat dance track centered around a late-2010’s style instrumental drop, the production has an atmospheric air that adds emotional nuance. HyunA takes a more subdued approach as well, singing with a lightness different from the bombastic confidence often portrayed in her earlier work.

When it comes down to it, I’m not sure there’s enough of a song behind Q&A‘s vibe, but for three minutes or so its sound is engrossing enough to keep interest high. A more dynamic set of melodies could certainly help, as the muted post-chorus doesn’t inspire quite enough excitement.






Grade: B-

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