Song Review: Doh Kyung Soo (EXO’s D.O.) – Mars

A week ago, EXO’s Doh Kyung Soo (D.O.) pre-released the fluffy pop track Popcorn, hinting that his new album might have a more upbeat twist to it. Title track Mars fulfills that promise, transferring the gentle, coffeehouse appeal of his music to a sprightlier sound palette.

Mars is still very much within the “easy listening” realm, rarely operating above a hushed strum of guitar. It’s like Jason Mraz goes K-pop, which shouldn’t work at all. We have Kyung Soo’s voice to thank for the song’s success. His tone is at once impressive and comforting, and nothing about Mars feels put on. You get the sense he’s simply singing a breezy little pop song he happens to enjoy.

This unaffectedness is charming, but also kind of dull. Mars has a similar warmth as Popcorn, but the melodies aren’t as engaging. It marches through its motions with little aplomb, making for suitable background music. Whether you love it or not will likely depend on how strongly you feel about Kyung Soo himself. I’m a fan, but not enough to get me excited over a song this subdued.






Grade: C

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