Song Review: NewJeans – Supernatural

Though NewJeans’ 2024 releases have enjoyed successful runs on the charts, there’s a growing feeling of stagnation with their music. You can only do ‘breezy cool’ so many times before the songs start to blend into one another. It’s time to inject a new genre influence, and the New Jack Swing of Supernatural may be just what the doctor ordered.

I won’t pretend NewJeans have delivered some mammoth, angular Rhythm Nation style take on the genre. Supernatural‘s smooth arrangement veers closer to city pop than a big dancefloor throwdown. But for the first time this year, there are moments in the group’s production that really capture me. The chopped vocals that open the track are pure bliss and remind me of this great 80’s classic. And though the percussion remains defiantly on the featherlight side of New Jack Swing, it kicks up enough funk to get your head nodding.

As always, I long for a more compelling vocal performance that matches the groove of the instrumental. The other day, I was thinking about NewJeans in the context of my all-time favorite pop star Janet Jackson. Janet’s voice has often been described as “thin” (though I could rattle off many examples to the contrary), but she’s a master at vocal stacking and harmony that gives her music a lush, full feeling. This is what I’m missing with NewJeans. The vocals are so straightforward and aloof to the point of feeling faceless. Supernatural would improve greatly with an intricate vocal arrangement that added depth and character to the track. The captivating production begs for this compliment, and if debut track Attention is any indicator NewJeans are up for the challenge.

Even so, Supernatural is the strongest and most adventurous the group has sounded in 2024. I’m hoping it’s the prelude to a new era where they can really let their hair down and explore new styles of performance.






Grade: B

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