Song Review: n.SSign – Tiger (New Flavour)

n.SSign milked everything they could from their recent album, releasing no less than three title tracks. Months later, they’re back again with repackage Tiger. Repackages aren’t as common as they used to be in K-pop, but they can still be an enhancement to an already successful work. Tiger (New Flavour) pulls a 180 degree switch from n.SSign’s earlier 2024 work, opting for a hard-hitting sound.

This song feels at once old-fashioned and new. It takes the shout-chanting popular with boy groups over the past few years and gives it a theatrical twist with bursts of power vocals and an insistent beat that harnesses the energy of a late-2000’s SM Entertainment hit. This description sounds more thrilling than Tiger turns out to be, but I appreciate the blend of eras and elements.

Though Tiger isn’t a melodically-focused track, its chorus offers a wallop of layered vocals that keeps the structure interesting. This is the segment that sounds most old-school. It’s like a less eccentric version of EXO’s Wolf. I wish the guys had fully embraced the madness and went completely over the top, but that’s probably an unrealistic expectation in this day and age. Thankfully, the skittering, jagged percussion keeps things brisk and exciting even when Tiger‘s ambitions soften.






Grade: B

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