Near the beginning of Henry’s journey, at the very first camp, he will need to find food to feed his beloved dog. In this guide, we explain how to quickly and easily find the food so you can continue with other quests.
The only way we’ve found to locate food is to trade with Oats. Oats is an elderly gentleman who is cooking food for the rest of the camp. You can find him near the tents, by the campfire, preparing some stew.
He will give you a Venison Sausage in exchange for Oat’s Ring.
To obtain Oat’s Ring you need to play a game of Dice at the nearby table. This is a game of chance and skill, where you use certain combinations of dice numbers to obtain a high score.
Use this score chart to obtain the highest score possible and win the game of Dice.
If you win the game of dice, you will get Oat’s Ring. You can then give Oat’s the ring and trade it for the sausage.
We will continue to update this guide as we progress through the game.
The post Where To Find Food To Feed The Dog In Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 appeared first on GamersHeroes.